We continue to monitor with concern the many questions and precautions that are being taken with respect to the novel coronavirus / COVID-19. We stand in prayerful solidarity with all those who have been diagnosed and especially with families who have lost loved ones to the disease.
While there has not been a significant number of cases reported in the Chicago area, we still feel it would be in the best interest of our Old St. Pat's community to exercise prudence and common sense as it relates to our liturgies and larger gatherings. In step with the Archdiocese of Chicago, we will implement the following practices for Masses:
• While the value of Hospitality and Welcome is paramount to the Mission of Old St. Pat's, it would be best if we refrain from physical contact during the opening greeting/welcome of our neighbors, and also for the Sign of Peace. We would appreciate some other, non-physical gestures of welcome and peace.
• Until we hear otherwise, the Archdiocese is asking us to refrain from Holy Communion via the chalice. Thus we will offer communion solely under the form of bread. For those with Celiac disease/gluten intolerance, one chalice of the Precious Blood will be located in the front of the church by the presider, as well as the low gluten hosts that we always have available. We also ask that every individual receive Holy Communion reverently in open hands, rather than on the tongue, for the time being.
Like all of you, we are sorry that the world community is once again in this unique situation. We hope it will be resolved soon. Let us continue to pray for people worldwide who suffer from illness and other forms of disease. We remember especially those who lack access to proper medical care, as well as the viruses of violence, exclusion, racism, and division that causes the human family to suffer. May God bring healing to our world
While there has not been a significant number of cases reported in the Chicago area, we still feel it would be in the best interest of our Old St. Pat's community to exercise prudence and common sense as it relates to our liturgies and larger gatherings. In step with the Archdiocese of Chicago, we will implement the following practices for Masses:
• While the value of Hospitality and Welcome is paramount to the Mission of Old St. Pat's, it would be best if we refrain from physical contact during the opening greeting/welcome of our neighbors, and also for the Sign of Peace. We would appreciate some other, non-physical gestures of welcome and peace.
• Until we hear otherwise, the Archdiocese is asking us to refrain from Holy Communion via the chalice. Thus we will offer communion solely under the form of bread. For those with Celiac disease/gluten intolerance, one chalice of the Precious Blood will be located in the front of the church by the presider, as well as the low gluten hosts that we always have available. We also ask that every individual receive Holy Communion reverently in open hands, rather than on the tongue, for the time being.
Like all of you, we are sorry that the world community is once again in this unique situation. We hope it will be resolved soon. Let us continue to pray for people worldwide who suffer from illness and other forms of disease. We remember especially those who lack access to proper medical care, as well as the viruses of violence, exclusion, racism, and division that causes the human family to suffer. May God bring healing to our world