Third Sunday of Advent
Dec 11, 2022
Light two purple candles and one pink candle. JOY
“Make your hearts firm, because the coming of the Lord is at hand.” — Jas 5:8
We are at Gaudete Sunday, the day of Joy. We have much to be joyful about…we are halfway through Advent. Emmanuel, our migrating God, is close! Isaiah exclaims that the deserts will bloom with flowers, the blind will see, the deaf will hear. “Here is your God, he comes with
vindication; with divine recompense he comes to save you.” (Is 35:4) With this type of excitement it is easy to get caught up in individualism: I can’t wait to rejoice, I will be saved, I…I…I.
But God’s vision is not yet at hand. We still have work to do. James reminds us “Do not complain, brothers and sisters, about one another, that you may not be judged.” (Jas 5:9) Now that we recognize our common heritage of journeying, it is clearer that our role is to prepare, together, as God’s family and creation. Lobby or engage with those who support unjust policies. Learn recent Root Causes and talking points to advocate for justice. Write to your leaders for action: petition to Biden or write a Letter to your local editor. Trust that your actions are accompanied by God’s justice.
This Monday is also the feast of our Lady of Guadalupe. Read or listen to her story, Mother of all Humanity. Participate in a cultural celebration of Guadalupe at a parish near you. Recognize her passion for the lowly in her song: the Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55). It reflects the Joy in her heart when the angel announced God’s journey for her. It reflects her faith that the lowly will be raised, and the unjust will be met by God’s justice.
Let Us Pray
God Emmanuel, we wait in Joyful hope, for you are near. We rejoice that all your family journey together. Thank you for the strength and faith
Dec 11, 2022
Light two purple candles and one pink candle. JOY
“Make your hearts firm, because the coming of the Lord is at hand.” — Jas 5:8
We are at Gaudete Sunday, the day of Joy. We have much to be joyful about…we are halfway through Advent. Emmanuel, our migrating God, is close! Isaiah exclaims that the deserts will bloom with flowers, the blind will see, the deaf will hear. “Here is your God, he comes with
vindication; with divine recompense he comes to save you.” (Is 35:4) With this type of excitement it is easy to get caught up in individualism: I can’t wait to rejoice, I will be saved, I…I…I.
But God’s vision is not yet at hand. We still have work to do. James reminds us “Do not complain, brothers and sisters, about one another, that you may not be judged.” (Jas 5:9) Now that we recognize our common heritage of journeying, it is clearer that our role is to prepare, together, as God’s family and creation. Lobby or engage with those who support unjust policies. Learn recent Root Causes and talking points to advocate for justice. Write to your leaders for action: petition to Biden or write a Letter to your local editor. Trust that your actions are accompanied by God’s justice.
This Monday is also the feast of our Lady of Guadalupe. Read or listen to her story, Mother of all Humanity. Participate in a cultural celebration of Guadalupe at a parish near you. Recognize her passion for the lowly in her song: the Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55). It reflects the Joy in her heart when the angel announced God’s journey for her. It reflects her faith that the lowly will be raised, and the unjust will be met by God’s justice.
Let Us Pray
God Emmanuel, we wait in Joyful hope, for you are near. We rejoice that all your family journey together. Thank you for the strength and faith
“He who consecrates and those who are being consecrated all have one origin.” – Heb 2:10
What is our origin? Today’s readings remind us that we are all connected, not only as a husband and wife are, but all creatures are connected to God’s human creation, and all humans to each other. Even Jesus, who became ‘lower than the angels’, has the same origin as us! Pope Francis reiterates this connection too when he said during his visit in Hungary, "The freedom of our brothers and sisters is also our freedom, since our freedom is not complete without theirs." (9/12/21) And yet, what God has joined we humans continue to separate. We do this through fear, violence, and unjust laws.
Our freedom, safety and dignity is connected to that of our immigrant and refugee brothers and sisters. So, we must expect our leaders to do more to help them. Act now to urge Congress, in discussions with the Administration, to ensure that robust and flexible funding be provided through respected and credible organizations with experience in Afghanistan. We must help people who remain in Afghanistan and Afghans being resettled. votervoice.net/USCCB/Campaigns/88310/Respond
Also, demand that Biden end the inhumane Title 42 policy and restore asylum protections:
ACTION ALERT: Protect Asylum Seekers: End Title 42 (ignatiansolidarity.net)
“Therefore what God has joined together, no human being must separate.” Mark 10:9
What is our origin? Today’s readings remind us that we are all connected, not only as a husband and wife are, but all creatures are connected to God’s human creation, and all humans to each other. Even Jesus, who became ‘lower than the angels’, has the same origin as us! Pope Francis reiterates this connection too when he said during his visit in Hungary, "The freedom of our brothers and sisters is also our freedom, since our freedom is not complete without theirs." (9/12/21) And yet, what God has joined we humans continue to separate. We do this through fear, violence, and unjust laws.
Our freedom, safety and dignity is connected to that of our immigrant and refugee brothers and sisters. So, we must expect our leaders to do more to help them. Act now to urge Congress, in discussions with the Administration, to ensure that robust and flexible funding be provided through respected and credible organizations with experience in Afghanistan. We must help people who remain in Afghanistan and Afghans being resettled. votervoice.net/USCCB/Campaigns/88310/Respond
Also, demand that Biden end the inhumane Title 42 policy and restore asylum protections:
ACTION ALERT: Protect Asylum Seekers: End Title 42 (ignatiansolidarity.net)
“Therefore what God has joined together, no human being must separate.” Mark 10:9
“Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me;” – Mark 9:37
In last week’s reading Jesus asked, ‘who do people say I am?’ Today’s readings seem to ask ‘who would Jesus say I am?’ Do I welcome others with compassion and mercy? Do I speak out in defense of the refugee and immigrant? Do I recognize the need to focus less on “me” and more on “we”?
National Migration Week for 2021 takes place September 20-26 and will climax with the Vatican’s celebration of the World Day of Migrants and Refugees (WDMR), which always falls on the last Sunday of September. The primary theme for this year’s WDMR is “Towards an ever wider ‘we’”. Use the following links to learn how to expand the ‘we’ in your home, community, church and country.
Natl Migration Week 2021 Toolkit.pdf (d2y1pz2y630308.cloudfront.net) offers ideas on prayer and action you can do from home or on social media. 10-things-you-can-do.pdf (justiceforimmigrants.org) lists even more ways to support the movement from ‘them’ to ‘only us’ (Pope Francis, Fratelli tutti, no. 35). Make a commitment to do one thing each day. Be sure to read the Pope’s message: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS WDMR 2021 (1).pdf - Google Drive And stop by the Immigration & Refugee Ministry table after Mass this Sunday to learn more about OSP’s commitment in prayer and action to Immigrants and refugees.
In last week’s reading Jesus asked, ‘who do people say I am?’ Today’s readings seem to ask ‘who would Jesus say I am?’ Do I welcome others with compassion and mercy? Do I speak out in defense of the refugee and immigrant? Do I recognize the need to focus less on “me” and more on “we”?
National Migration Week for 2021 takes place September 20-26 and will climax with the Vatican’s celebration of the World Day of Migrants and Refugees (WDMR), which always falls on the last Sunday of September. The primary theme for this year’s WDMR is “Towards an ever wider ‘we’”. Use the following links to learn how to expand the ‘we’ in your home, community, church and country.
Natl Migration Week 2021 Toolkit.pdf (d2y1pz2y630308.cloudfront.net) offers ideas on prayer and action you can do from home or on social media. 10-things-you-can-do.pdf (justiceforimmigrants.org) lists even more ways to support the movement from ‘them’ to ‘only us’ (Pope Francis, Fratelli tutti, no. 35). Make a commitment to do one thing each day. Be sure to read the Pope’s message: MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS WDMR 2021 (1).pdf - Google Drive And stop by the Immigration & Refugee Ministry table after Mass this Sunday to learn more about OSP’s commitment in prayer and action to Immigrants and refugees.
“He makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.” – Mark 7:37
Today’s readings are proclamations of how to make God’s dream a reality…on earth as it is in heaven. We are quick to assume that our work is to reach out to the marginalized, those whose struggles are obvious to us – immigrants and refugees. But who else are blind in our country? For years we have heard the voice of fear and unwelcome as immigrants arrived. Could those voices of anti-immigrants be the blind ones we are called to help so they might see the value of immigrants? And as the refugees from Afghanistan are transported to safety, we quickly heard new calls of fear and unwelcome.
If we look at these people as the ‘blind’ who need to open their eyes, do we feel more compassion for them? Can we engage in a respectful, thought-provoking conversation to help them see that without immigrants we have a zero-population growth which is detrimental to our country in so many ways? Can we help them recognize that immigrants support our aging population? Read more to learn how to help the blind see: The Economy and Immigration – Justice for Immigrants and Immigrants are Vital to the U.S. Economy (senate.gov) Do not be mute, but work to help others see. Proclaim to them “Be opened!”
Today’s readings are proclamations of how to make God’s dream a reality…on earth as it is in heaven. We are quick to assume that our work is to reach out to the marginalized, those whose struggles are obvious to us – immigrants and refugees. But who else are blind in our country? For years we have heard the voice of fear and unwelcome as immigrants arrived. Could those voices of anti-immigrants be the blind ones we are called to help so they might see the value of immigrants? And as the refugees from Afghanistan are transported to safety, we quickly heard new calls of fear and unwelcome.
If we look at these people as the ‘blind’ who need to open their eyes, do we feel more compassion for them? Can we engage in a respectful, thought-provoking conversation to help them see that without immigrants we have a zero-population growth which is detrimental to our country in so many ways? Can we help them recognize that immigrants support our aging population? Read more to learn how to help the blind see: The Economy and Immigration – Justice for Immigrants and Immigrants are Vital to the U.S. Economy (senate.gov) Do not be mute, but work to help others see. Proclaim to them “Be opened!”
In today's 2nd Reading, James says "Be doers of the word and not hearers only..."
Then in Mark's Gospel, Jesus reminds us,
"Well did Isaiah prophesy about you hypocrites, as it is written:
These people honor me with their lips,
but their hearts are far from me..."
Joan Chittister laments that "when the refugees came by the hundreds to the border, we gave them cells instead of help of any kind."
Currently, many thousands of migrants are crossing the border every month and facilities are overcrowded. Officials are planning to open up space for unaccompanied migrant children at Fort Bliss, TX.Immigrants and refugees are today's widows and orphans and need help. Do you want to help? The following link is for the UNHCR - US Resettlement Partners:
Closer to home… Please consider supporting the OSP Immigrant and Refugee Ministry as we hope to provide six months of rental assistance for an asylum-seeking Honduran family. (6 months is, believe it or not, the period when new refugees are not allowed to work!)
To give to this worthy cause:
1. Click on GIVE TO OSP in the upper right-hand corner.
2. Click on GIVE ONLINE and then select Immigrant and Refugee Fund from the drop down menu.
You help is both needed and greatly appreciated!
Then in Mark's Gospel, Jesus reminds us,
"Well did Isaiah prophesy about you hypocrites, as it is written:
These people honor me with their lips,
but their hearts are far from me..."
Joan Chittister laments that "when the refugees came by the hundreds to the border, we gave them cells instead of help of any kind."
Currently, many thousands of migrants are crossing the border every month and facilities are overcrowded. Officials are planning to open up space for unaccompanied migrant children at Fort Bliss, TX.Immigrants and refugees are today's widows and orphans and need help. Do you want to help? The following link is for the UNHCR - US Resettlement Partners:
Closer to home… Please consider supporting the OSP Immigrant and Refugee Ministry as we hope to provide six months of rental assistance for an asylum-seeking Honduran family. (6 months is, believe it or not, the period when new refugees are not allowed to work!)
To give to this worthy cause:
1. Click on GIVE TO OSP in the upper right-hand corner.
2. Click on GIVE ONLINE and then select Immigrant and Refugee Fund from the drop down menu.
You help is both needed and greatly appreciated!
“For it was the LORD, our God, who brought us and our fathers out of the land of Egypt, out of a state of slavery.” – Jeremiah, 24:17
It was the life of slavery in Egypt that drove the Jewish people to return to Israel. What are forms of slavery that exist for today’s immigrants and refugees? War, violence, oppression, poverty – all of these human experiences keep people bound to lives of hardship, cruelty, and hopelessness. In a joint statement of U.S. and Mexican Bishops issued in April at the Mexican border, the bishops stated, “For most, the decision to migrate is not motivated by indifference toward their homeland or the pursuit of economic prosperity; it is a matter of life and death." As the Jews prayed to the Lord for their release from slavery, so must we pray for the lives of our immigrant brothers and sisters facing dire circumstances of life and death.
We must also do whatever we can to help those crying out for mercy. This may include supporting the work of Catholic Relief Services (www.crs.org), which works with organizations from around the world to help the most poor and vulnerable. Or consider helping the local chapter of Catholic Charities (www.catholiccharities.net) to serve immigrants and refugees in Chicago with their most essential needs.
Or consider donating to Old St. Patrick’s Immigration and Refugee Ministry which is raising funds and accompanying a number of immigrant and asylum-seeking families to successfully adjust to their new lives in the United States. Thank you for heeding God’s call to serve those still caught in today’s slavery and persecution.
It was the life of slavery in Egypt that drove the Jewish people to return to Israel. What are forms of slavery that exist for today’s immigrants and refugees? War, violence, oppression, poverty – all of these human experiences keep people bound to lives of hardship, cruelty, and hopelessness. In a joint statement of U.S. and Mexican Bishops issued in April at the Mexican border, the bishops stated, “For most, the decision to migrate is not motivated by indifference toward their homeland or the pursuit of economic prosperity; it is a matter of life and death." As the Jews prayed to the Lord for their release from slavery, so must we pray for the lives of our immigrant brothers and sisters facing dire circumstances of life and death.
We must also do whatever we can to help those crying out for mercy. This may include supporting the work of Catholic Relief Services (www.crs.org), which works with organizations from around the world to help the most poor and vulnerable. Or consider helping the local chapter of Catholic Charities (www.catholiccharities.net) to serve immigrants and refugees in Chicago with their most essential needs.
Or consider donating to Old St. Patrick’s Immigration and Refugee Ministry which is raising funds and accompanying a number of immigrant and asylum-seeking families to successfully adjust to their new lives in the United States. Thank you for heeding God’s call to serve those still caught in today’s slavery and persecution.
“Put on the new self, created in God’s way in righteousness and holiness of truth.” – Eph 4:24
“Do not work for food that perishes but for the food that endures for eternal life.” – John 6:27
We are familiar with the scripture passage “I am the bread of life.” The readings for this week and next are focused on bread… Bread sent as manna in the desert, bread that gives eternal life. But do we think about the commitment we make if we eat this bread? Or do we eat it and think the only response we need is gratitude and praise? In offering us this bread, we are asked to enter into relationship with God (trust) and God’s creation (compassion). Eating the bread of life is more than an invitation to life eternal, it is an invitation to be life to God’s creation around us. Scripture tells us how to be life “…be kind to one another, compassionate,” Eph 4:32 Who in God’s creation needs our compassion?
Immigrants and refugees are in great need. Many were brought here as children and as young adults they face uncertainty and deportation from the only country they have known. If we have accepted God’s gift of bread, then we have accepted God’s call to be bread for others. Learn how to support immigrants in need, especially DACA: unitedwedream.org/2021/07/top-5-things-you-need-to-know-about-the-texas-case-on-daca/?source=toolkit
“Do not work for food that perishes but for the food that endures for eternal life.” – John 6:27
We are familiar with the scripture passage “I am the bread of life.” The readings for this week and next are focused on bread… Bread sent as manna in the desert, bread that gives eternal life. But do we think about the commitment we make if we eat this bread? Or do we eat it and think the only response we need is gratitude and praise? In offering us this bread, we are asked to enter into relationship with God (trust) and God’s creation (compassion). Eating the bread of life is more than an invitation to life eternal, it is an invitation to be life to God’s creation around us. Scripture tells us how to be life “…be kind to one another, compassionate,” Eph 4:32 Who in God’s creation needs our compassion?
Immigrants and refugees are in great need. Many were brought here as children and as young adults they face uncertainty and deportation from the only country they have known. If we have accepted God’s gift of bread, then we have accepted God’s call to be bread for others. Learn how to support immigrants in need, especially DACA: unitedwedream.org/2021/07/top-5-things-you-need-to-know-about-the-texas-case-on-daca/?source=toolkit
“Woe to the shepherds who mislead and scatter the flock of my pasture.” – Jeremiah 23:1
What scatters people from their homelands? What drives thousands of immigrants and refugees to leave the only home country they have ever known? More than likely, it is war, poverty, violence, and/or persecution. For those immigrants and refugees who have suffered under the most horrible of conditions, many look to our country as a place of refuge, a place of verdant pastures. Our God calls us to be shepherds of his flock and to take care of those most in need. Please hear the cry from those persecuted immigrants and refugees at this nation’s borders and consider how you can help. They need our advocacy, support, and prayers. Might we be the shepherds to give our beloved vulnerable brothers and sisters rest and repose?
What scatters people from their homelands? What drives thousands of immigrants and refugees to leave the only home country they have ever known? More than likely, it is war, poverty, violence, and/or persecution. For those immigrants and refugees who have suffered under the most horrible of conditions, many look to our country as a place of refuge, a place of verdant pastures. Our God calls us to be shepherds of his flock and to take care of those most in need. Please hear the cry from those persecuted immigrants and refugees at this nation’s borders and consider how you can help. They need our advocacy, support, and prayers. Might we be the shepherds to give our beloved vulnerable brothers and sisters rest and repose?
“Whatever place does not welcome you or listen to you, leave there and shake the dust off your feet in testimony against them.” – Mark 6:11
We are the place that does not welcome or listen to them…to immigrant children looking to escape the violence that threatens their lives. One in every three migrant and asylum-seekers from Central America and Mexico is a child, over half are unaccompanied. Eighty percent of them are trying to reach relatives residing in the U.S. Unaccompanied Mexican children were returned to Mexico more than 22 times as often as they were transferred to Office of Refugee Resettlement after being apprehended by the US Border Patrol, without the legally required screenings to insure they were not returning to harm or human trafficking.
Pushed Into Harms Way - PDF: bit.ly/3hmjBcN (amnesty.org) Be a testimony to welcome and listening. Read the above document and learn the key recommendations to the U.S. and Mexican governments (pages 10 and 47). Write or call your representatives and demand these actions.
We are the place that does not welcome or listen to them…to immigrant children looking to escape the violence that threatens their lives. One in every three migrant and asylum-seekers from Central America and Mexico is a child, over half are unaccompanied. Eighty percent of them are trying to reach relatives residing in the U.S. Unaccompanied Mexican children were returned to Mexico more than 22 times as often as they were transferred to Office of Refugee Resettlement after being apprehended by the US Border Patrol, without the legally required screenings to insure they were not returning to harm or human trafficking.
Pushed Into Harms Way - PDF: bit.ly/3hmjBcN (amnesty.org) Be a testimony to welcome and listening. Read the above document and learn the key recommendations to the U.S. and Mexican governments (pages 10 and 47). Write or call your representatives and demand these actions.

"Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send
these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my
lamp beside the golden door.”
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send
these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my
lamp beside the golden door.”
“A violent squall came up and waves were breaking over the boat, so that it was already filling up. Jesus was in the stern, asleep on a cushion. They woke him and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” He woke up, rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Quiet! Be still!” The wind ceased and there was great calm.” – Mark 4:37-39
Over 20,000 migrants and refugees have perished in the Mediterranean Sea since 2014, desperately fleeing their homes and trying to find safety on new soil, only to never reach it. ‘Teacher, don’t you care that we are perishing?’ This might lead some to ask how God could allow this to happen, but others look instead to the words of St. Teresa of Avila: “Christ has no body but yours; no hands, no feet on earth but yours.” What international humanitarian policies can we create? What rescue can we provide? What aid can we administer? What help can we give? Learn more about what the OSP Immigrant & Refugee Ministry does and how you can get involved. Lord, may we truly bring about your kingdom of love here on earth, using our hands and feet as you would. Amen.
Over 20,000 migrants and refugees have perished in the Mediterranean Sea since 2014, desperately fleeing their homes and trying to find safety on new soil, only to never reach it. ‘Teacher, don’t you care that we are perishing?’ This might lead some to ask how God could allow this to happen, but others look instead to the words of St. Teresa of Avila: “Christ has no body but yours; no hands, no feet on earth but yours.” What international humanitarian policies can we create? What rescue can we provide? What aid can we administer? What help can we give? Learn more about what the OSP Immigrant & Refugee Ministry does and how you can get involved. Lord, may we truly bring about your kingdom of love here on earth, using our hands and feet as you would. Amen.
Myth: Immigrants hurt our country financially by taking jobs and services without paying taxes
The Facts: Though some people claim that immigrant are taking job opportunities away from people born in the U.S., immigrants actually help to create new jobs. In addition to buying U.S. and local products, which helps create jobs, immigrants often start their own businesses. In fact, immigrants are twice as likely to start businesses as citizens both in the U.S. and companies owned by immigrants are more likely to hire employees than companies owned by native-born citizens. States with large numbers of immigrants report lower unemployment rates for everyone.
Immigrants collectively pay between $90 and $140 Billion each year in taxes, and a recent study found that undocumented immigrants alone pay approximately $11.64 Billion in taxes each year. Moreover, undocumented immigrants nationwide pay an estimated eight percent of their income in state and local taxes (their effective state and local tax rate), which is higher than the effective tax rate of the top one percent of all taxpayers in the U.S.
Everyone pays sales taxes on goods they purchase and property taxes on the homes they buy or rent, and more than half of all undocumented immigrant households file income tax returns using individual Tax Identification Numbers.
Source: 2019 Anti-Defamation League, www.adl.org
The Facts: Though some people claim that immigrant are taking job opportunities away from people born in the U.S., immigrants actually help to create new jobs. In addition to buying U.S. and local products, which helps create jobs, immigrants often start their own businesses. In fact, immigrants are twice as likely to start businesses as citizens both in the U.S. and companies owned by immigrants are more likely to hire employees than companies owned by native-born citizens. States with large numbers of immigrants report lower unemployment rates for everyone.
Immigrants collectively pay between $90 and $140 Billion each year in taxes, and a recent study found that undocumented immigrants alone pay approximately $11.64 Billion in taxes each year. Moreover, undocumented immigrants nationwide pay an estimated eight percent of their income in state and local taxes (their effective state and local tax rate), which is higher than the effective tax rate of the top one percent of all taxpayers in the U.S.
Everyone pays sales taxes on goods they purchase and property taxes on the homes they buy or rent, and more than half of all undocumented immigrant households file income tax returns using individual Tax Identification Numbers.
Source: 2019 Anti-Defamation League, www.adl.org
Myth: Immigrants bring crime and violence to our cities and towns
The Facts: Recently, public figures have claimed that immigrants are “killers” and "rapists,” bringing crime to the U.S. Study after study has shown, however, that immigrants—regardless of where they are from, what immigration status they hold, and how much education they have completed—are less likely than native-born citizens to commit crimes or become incarcerated. According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, while the overall percentage of immigrants and the number of undocumented immigrants in the U.S. both increased sharply between 1990 and 2010, the violent crime rate in the U.S. during that time plummeted 45% and the property crime rate dropped by 42%. Studies have consistently found that immigrants are less likely to be incarcerated than native-born Americans and that there is a negative correlation between levels of immigration and crime rates. Other studies have in fact found that crime rates are lowest in states with the highest immigration growth rates, and that states with larger shares of undocumented immigrants tend to have lower crime rates than states with smaller shares.
Source: Anti-Defamation League, 2019
The Facts: Recently, public figures have claimed that immigrants are “killers” and "rapists,” bringing crime to the U.S. Study after study has shown, however, that immigrants—regardless of where they are from, what immigration status they hold, and how much education they have completed—are less likely than native-born citizens to commit crimes or become incarcerated. According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, while the overall percentage of immigrants and the number of undocumented immigrants in the U.S. both increased sharply between 1990 and 2010, the violent crime rate in the U.S. during that time plummeted 45% and the property crime rate dropped by 42%. Studies have consistently found that immigrants are less likely to be incarcerated than native-born Americans and that there is a negative correlation between levels of immigration and crime rates. Other studies have in fact found that crime rates are lowest in states with the highest immigration growth rates, and that states with larger shares of undocumented immigrants tend to have lower crime rates than states with smaller shares.
Source: Anti-Defamation League, 2019
“...to lay down one’s life for one’s friends…” We know that Jesus’ words foreshadowed His own sacrifice on the cross for all of us: his loved ones, his friends. Manypeople might shrug this instruction off as “not applicable” -- when will I be asked to die for a loved one? Hopefully not ever. But what if there are other ways to “lay down our lives?” What if we could put down our own schedules, to-do lists or concerns, and place those aside so that we can fully greet another in solidarity and empathy? We could occasionally “lay down” the activities that we use to fill our time and instead pray for immigrants who are detained and treated inhumanely while applying for asylum, or those who are struggling in a new country. We could sign up for email alerts with the National Immigrant Justice Center to continue to learn more about immigration issues and policy, or take the opportunities to reach out to our legislators to speak out for immigrant and refugee rights. Lord Jesus, help us lay down our lives for our friends and neighbors: immigrants, refugees, and all those searching for a safe place to be and to live. Amen.
“He cured many who were sick with various diseases, and he drove out many demons, not permitting them to speak because they knew him.” – Mark 1:34
We don’t talk very much about demons in our day-to-day lives, which sometimes make scripture readings like Mark’s Gospel today hard to grasp and relate to. What are our demons? They are those fearful thoughts in our minds that terrorize and paralyze, untruths that flood our subconscious; they can include fear of the unknown, fear of the “other,” fear that if we open our doors or hearts to strangers, harm will come to us, or fear that we might lose what we have. Our demons can keep us rooted in fear which makes it difficult, if not impossible to take steps forward in love and compassion, as Jesus did time and time again. Lord Jesus, drive out our demons that stop us from loving as you do. Help us to welcome and aid immigrants and refugees, reaching out to them in love, solidarity, and compassion. Amen.
We were called to listen to God as servants, and then change our ways to act for justice. Today we are reminded to trust in the authority of God’s word. Anxiety and judgement by the world may accompany your actions, but trust in God. Ask our new administration to: Rescind all Muslim/refugee/asylum bans and policies; resettle 100,000 refugees in FY21 with increases to follow; ensure sufficient appropriations to rebuild infrastructure. Loving God, help us to bring your compassion, fairness and morality to immigration and refugee policies in our country. Learn more at bit.ly/IICTransitionSummary.
“A new teaching with authority...” – Mark 1:27
Last week’s readings called us to listen to God as servants. Today we are reminded to change our ways and act, guided by God, bringing justice to the oppressed. As we start with a new administration, use this time to contact them and ask that they remove barriers to Family-Based Immigration and prioritize family unity. We are one family, under God, and we should speak out for those who are denied dignity. “Your ways, O LORD, make known to me; teach me your paths, guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my savior.” Psalm 25:4-6 Learn more at bit.ly/IICTransitionSummary.
“When God saw by their actions how they turned from their evil way...” Jon 3:10
Now is the time to act. This week the democratic process of the transfer of power will happen. It’s been surrounded by violence and untruths. Listen to God who has been speaking to you. Over the next several weeks we will give suggestions on how to act on behalf of immigrants and refugees. Your actions are to speak God’s words to the powers that be, much like God’s servant Martin Luther King, Jr. did across our nation. Do not harden your heart by thinking there is nothing you can do but use God’s words to move into action. Call this new administration asking them to prioritize immigrants and asylum seekers of color by addressing racism in the immigration system and to restore Temporary Protected Status for immigrants from African and Caribbean countries. Learn more at bit.ly/IICTransitionSummary.
“Speak for your servant is listening.” – 1 Sam 3:10
Earlier in today’s 1st Reading from Isaiah is the phrase “...until he (the Lord’s servant) establishes justice on the earth…” How we long for justice in our world! We see the lack of justice in news headlines every day, but we have a choice in how we respond. We can sit in the despair and be overwhelmed by injustice, or we can heed the Lord’s call to work for justice in our world. We can start by welcoming immigrants and refugees who arrive at our shores and borders, those who leave behind everything they know because they are confined by this injustice, this fear, this hopelessness in their home countries. May we not turn a blind eye to the suffering of our brothers and sisters born in a different land, under different circumstances. Let us be a light for the nations.
"I, the Lord, have called you for the victory of justice….a light for the nations, to open the eyes of the blind, to bring out prisoners from confinement, and from the dungeon, those who live in darkness.” – Isaiah 42:6-7
“‘Lord...When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you?’ And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least brothers of mine, you did for me.’” – Matthew 25:38-40
What ideas do the Works of Mercy conjure in our minds? For most, it’s giving food, water, or clothing to those in need, which is a noble act, no doubt. But how often do we pay attention to the other instructions? The way we welcome the stranger is as important as clothing the naked. Support Old St. Pat’s Immigrant & Refugee Ministry in their work of welcoming the stranger in our midst. We invite you to learn more about the refugee families we support as a parish, as well as actions you can take to make this country a more just place for all.
“For all of you are children of the light and children of the day. We are not of the night or of darkness.” – 1 Thess 5:5
Today’s readings refer to fear of the Lord, but it’s important to understand that phrase also means awe of the Lord. Those in fear cower and hide. The faithful are in awe… of God’s power, of the Lord’s love, of the Kingdom of Heaven. That awe moves us to act rather than wander in darkness, it prepares us to be ready for God, not to waste our time. It is also an awe that compels migrants to search for that which God has endowed them – dignity of life. Read their stories and be awed: justiceforimmigrants.org/faces-of-migration/stories-of-migration
Today’s readings refer to fear of the Lord, but it’s important to understand that phrase also means awe of the Lord. Those in fear cower and hide. The faithful are in awe… of God’s power, of the Lord’s love, of the Kingdom of Heaven. That awe moves us to act rather than wander in darkness, it prepares us to be ready for God, not to waste our time. It is also an awe that compels migrants to search for that which God has endowed them – dignity of life. Read their stories and be awed: justiceforimmigrants.org/faces-of-migration/stories-of-migration
“‘Lord, Lord, open the door for us!’ But he said in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, I do not know you.’ Therefore, stay awake, for you know neither the day nor the hour.” – Matthew 25:11-13
Help us to stay alert and awake to hear the call of refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants who are constantly faced with injustice in our country and in our world. May we always hear and act on your call to love, even when we tire in the fight. Set our hearts ablaze with a passion for justice, and may we always have enough oil to keep this fire burning.
Help us to stay alert and awake to hear the call of refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants who are constantly faced with injustice in our country and in our world. May we always hear and act on your call to love, even when we tire in the fight. Set our hearts ablaze with a passion for justice, and may we always have enough oil to keep this fire burning.

“Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land. Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.” Mt 5:4-6
“Thus says the Lord: ‘You shall not molest or oppress an alien, for you were once aliens yourselves in the land of Egypt. You shall not wrong any widow or orphan. If ever you wrong them and they cry out to me, I will surely hear their cry.'” – Exodus 22:20-21
“...one of them, a scholar of the law, tested him by asking, ‘Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?’ He said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'” – Matthew 22:35-39
“...one of them, a scholar of the law, tested him by asking, ‘Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?’ He said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'” – Matthew 22:35-39
Too often in our world, throughout history to the present moment, humankind becomes entangled in the letter of the law. Those “letters,” that wording, become ways for us to rationalize withholding human rights from groups of people, especially immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees: aliens in a foreign land. But God’s law is clear. Jesus’ message is clear. They are our neighbors, and God surely hears their cries. May we truly adopt hearts of love, so that our laws might build the Kingdom of God on earth.
“We give thanks to God always for all of you, remembering you in our prayers, unceasingly calling to mind your work of faith and labor of love and endurance in hope of our Lord Jesus Christ” – 1 Thes 1:2
One of the groups that work tirelessly in support of the immigrants and refugees is the Immigration Ministry Office of the Archdiocese. They are also a resource for our OSP Immigration and Refugee Ministry (IRM). Please consider supporting them through their “Keep Hope Alive 2020” Virtual Benefit this October 29, when they will recognize Old St. Pat’s with their Emmaus award. Visit bit.ly/keephopealive-2020. We give thanks to God for them and for all of you who keep the immigrants and refugees in your prayers.
Are you interested in joining our OSP IRM? Contact Kayla Jackson at [email protected].
Are you interested in joining our OSP IRM? Contact Kayla Jackson at [email protected].
“‘My friend, how is it that you came in here without a wedding garment?’” - Matthew 22:12
We are all invited into the Kingdom of Heaven but many people misunderstand this idea and think of it merely as ‘we are all invited into heaven--how lovely.’ But the Kingdom of Heaven is not about eternal life with God--it is also about the fulfillment of God’s will on earth. Like the poor guy the servants found on the street and invited to the banquet, we need to do more than just show up. Rather, we have to come prepared--prepared to fully participate in God’s Kingdom of Heaven on earth by participating in its creation, by bringing about justice for all people. How do we start? By using what the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops call “The Two feet of Love in Action:” Charitable Works and Social Justice:
- Let your elected representatives know that you welcome refugees in your city, your state, your country, and that you disapprove of the administration’s refugee quota (cap) of only 15,000 for 2021 (the lowest it has been since the refugee program was created in 1980).
- Share your time and resources with organizations like the Old St. Pat’s Immigrant and Refugee Ministry who support refugee families here in Chicago.
We are all invited into the Kingdom of Heaven but many people misunderstand this idea and think of it merely as ‘we are all invited into heaven--how lovely.’ But the Kingdom of Heaven is not about eternal life with God--it is also about the fulfillment of God’s will on earth. Like the poor guy the servants found on the street and invited to the banquet, we need to do more than just show up. Rather, we have to come prepared--prepared to fully participate in God’s Kingdom of Heaven on earth by participating in its creation, by bringing about justice for all people. How do we start? By using what the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops call “The Two feet of Love in Action:” Charitable Works and Social Justice:
- Let your elected representatives know that you welcome refugees in your city, your state, your country, and that you disapprove of the administration’s refugee quota (cap) of only 15,000 for 2021 (the lowest it has been since the refugee program was created in 1980).
- Share your time and resources with organizations like the Old St. Pat’s Immigrant and Refugee Ministry who support refugee families here in Chicago.
"This is the heir. Come, let us kill him and acquire his inheritance.’” Matthew 21:38
Have we ever stopped to wonder why so many in our country do not welcome the immigrants? What is it about immigrants that threatens them? What are they afraid of? Clearly they believe they will lose something by welcoming immigrants. Or maybe they believe, as the tenants of the Gospel did, that what is due the immigrants will become theirs. Immigrants and refugees bring hope and determination. They bring hard work and dedication. And according to the Illinois Business Immigration Coalition, they create
new businesses and job opportunities: ibic.us/immigration-fact-sheet
The Gospel reminds us to welcome them, and that together, as one family, we will inherit God’s goodness. Pray for not only the immigrants and refugees, but also for the ‘tenants’ of our country who live in fear and do not recognize the shared inheritance with immigrants and refugees.
Have we ever stopped to wonder why so many in our country do not welcome the immigrants? What is it about immigrants that threatens them? What are they afraid of? Clearly they believe they will lose something by welcoming immigrants. Or maybe they believe, as the tenants of the Gospel did, that what is due the immigrants will become theirs. Immigrants and refugees bring hope and determination. They bring hard work and dedication. And according to the Illinois Business Immigration Coalition, they create
new businesses and job opportunities: ibic.us/immigration-fact-sheet
The Gospel reminds us to welcome them, and that together, as one family, we will inherit God’s goodness. Pray for not only the immigrants and refugees, but also for the ‘tenants’ of our country who live in fear and do not recognize the shared inheritance with immigrants and refugees.
“Do nothing out of selfishness... rather, humbly regard others as more important than yourselves, each looking out not for his own interests, but also for those of others.” Philippians 2:3-4
Fr. Greg Boyle, SJ, founder of Homeboy Industries in Los Angeles, has been a guest speaker at Old St. Pat’s a number of times in the past few years, and his core message speaks to OSP’s vision of Radical Inclusivity: “There is no ‘us’ and ‘them,’ – only ‘us.’” Jesus worked to dissolve barriers between people and to teach this same idea: it’s just ‘us.’ We divide and separate so much in our society: we use race, gender, socio-economic status, ethnicity, citizenship... all of these are used to distinguish between ‘us’ and ‘them.’ So much of the animosity toward immigrants and asylum seekers in this country seems to come from a place of fear in regard to our own self-interest: “If all of them come over here, there won’t be enough (jobs, food, housing, medical care…) for us.” St. Paul reminds us of Jesus’ radical inclusivity in the way we look out for the interests of others, and to avoid selfishness. How might we do this better as individuals? As a country? As a Church?
Fr. Greg Boyle, SJ, founder of Homeboy Industries in Los Angeles, has been a guest speaker at Old St. Pat’s a number of times in the past few years, and his core message speaks to OSP’s vision of Radical Inclusivity: “There is no ‘us’ and ‘them,’ – only ‘us.’” Jesus worked to dissolve barriers between people and to teach this same idea: it’s just ‘us.’ We divide and separate so much in our society: we use race, gender, socio-economic status, ethnicity, citizenship... all of these are used to distinguish between ‘us’ and ‘them.’ So much of the animosity toward immigrants and asylum seekers in this country seems to come from a place of fear in regard to our own self-interest: “If all of them come over here, there won’t be enough (jobs, food, housing, medical care…) for us.” St. Paul reminds us of Jesus’ radical inclusivity in the way we look out for the interests of others, and to avoid selfishness. How might we do this better as individuals? As a country? As a Church?