January 6, 2020 Response
Come Holy Spirit! Open our eyes and help us to be healers of our nation.
After our nation’s capital was overrun by an unruly mob and the 117th U.S. Congress was criminally interrupted on January 6th, Fr. Bryan Massingale, the Old St. Pat's Crossroads Lecture Series Speaker last August, wrote the following:
St. Pope John Paul II declared, “Truth is the mother, basis, and foundation of justice.” What we saw today is the consequence when truth is ignored, trampled and dismissed, and when lies are repeated, winked at or cynically embraced. We cannot have justice when charade passes for reality, when racist delusion is passed by in silence, when political cynicism passes for public service.
After our nation’s capital was overrun by an unruly mob and the 117th U.S. Congress was criminally interrupted on January 6th, Fr. Bryan Massingale, the Old St. Pat's Crossroads Lecture Series Speaker last August, wrote the following:
St. Pope John Paul II declared, “Truth is the mother, basis, and foundation of justice.” What we saw today is the consequence when truth is ignored, trampled and dismissed, and when lies are repeated, winked at or cynically embraced. We cannot have justice when charade passes for reality, when racist delusion is passed by in silence, when political cynicism passes for public service.

Fr. Massingale is a professor of theological and social ethics at Fordham University in New York and the author of Racial Justice and the Catholic Church (Orbis, 2010).
As we at Old St. Pat's consider this week’s events and the state of our country today, let us reflect on the spirit of Christ’s Gospels and how we are called to individually and communally respond to them.
Read Fr. Massingale’s complete article in America Magazine: The Jesuit Review HERE.
For further viewing, please click here to watch, How to make spiritual sense of the attack on the Capitol | Behind the Story, A Conversation with Fr. Bryan Massingale
We also invite you to take a moment to pray this prayer for Mercy composed by Director of Ministries, Keara Ette.