The Lawndale Thousand Man March
Saturday, May 1, 2021 | 1 - 5 pm | May 15 Rain Date

Theme: “Our Youth Matter”
Please join Old St. Pat’s members along with men, women, girls and boys from the North and South Lawndale communities and beyond for this COVID-safe communal gathering.
March Start:
• Free street and lot parking within ½ block of the site. NOTE: Transportation will not be provided from or back to Old St. Pat’s for this event.
• Gather at the Dr. MLK Museum and Apartment Site at 16th and Hamlin Avenue.
• One unified people, for a one mile march, in one hour, for one important cause - the youth.
• Look for the green Old St. Pat’s logo when you arrive.
March Goal - Gathering in solidarity to create job training and employment to increase life opportunities for youth and to prevent violence.
March End:
St. Agatha Catholic Church (Kedzie Avenue and Douglas Boulevard)
• Check in at the Old St. Pat’s booth to note your attendance and gather with church members.
• Free food, entertainment, and inspirational speakers on the boulevard
• Free COVID-safe bus shuttling back to cars at the MLK site after the march.
What You Can Contribute:
• Job openings for youth or adults.
• Your smile and kindred presence at this event.
March Info:
Email Vincent Guider, OSP’s North Lawndale Kinship Initiative Director at [email protected].
Please join Old St. Pat’s members along with men, women, girls and boys from the North and South Lawndale communities and beyond for this COVID-safe communal gathering.
March Start:
• Free street and lot parking within ½ block of the site. NOTE: Transportation will not be provided from or back to Old St. Pat’s for this event.
• Gather at the Dr. MLK Museum and Apartment Site at 16th and Hamlin Avenue.
• One unified people, for a one mile march, in one hour, for one important cause - the youth.
• Look for the green Old St. Pat’s logo when you arrive.
March Goal - Gathering in solidarity to create job training and employment to increase life opportunities for youth and to prevent violence.
March End:
St. Agatha Catholic Church (Kedzie Avenue and Douglas Boulevard)
• Check in at the Old St. Pat’s booth to note your attendance and gather with church members.
• Free food, entertainment, and inspirational speakers on the boulevard
• Free COVID-safe bus shuttling back to cars at the MLK site after the march.
What You Can Contribute:
• Job openings for youth or adults.
• Your smile and kindred presence at this event.
March Info:
Email Vincent Guider, OSP’s North Lawndale Kinship Initiative Director at [email protected].